von Olaf

>>Klick here for German language text – Hier klicken zum deutschsprachigen Artikel.

On 9 May 2020 the Rekord-Institut für Deutschland RID (Records Institute for Germany) certified 1,320 participating musicians from 44 nations officially as »largest virtually performing music ensemble« by entering their new world record into the RID Record Vault. The organizer of the record attempt was music teacher Jens Illemann from Wewelsfleth in Schleswig-Holstein (D), who has been sent their recorded music video clips by the ensemble members via Facebook. For the record attempt each of the record candidates had to contribute a video with his or her musically performance. Illemann provided sheet music for various voices and a sound sample in advance, and then created a presentable song by mixing down all received submissions – or in other words: created the »largest virtually performing musical ensemble«. The video clip was first published online on 9 May 2020.

Jens Illemann has already been a key figure for an official RID world record before, when he was involved in the »largest orchestra in the world«, playing with 7,548 musicians in July 2016 at the »Commerzbank Arena« in Frankfurt (D). In times of Corona, this record attempt has now been transferred to a digital way of execution.

»We at Rekord-Institut für Deutschland (Records Institute for Germany) are very impressed by our RID record hunters, inventing new and creative top performances despite the actual situation. We noticed this positive effect significantly for our campaign »Stay At Home – breaking RID World Records«. Now we are very glad to welcome the 1,320 new record holders, who together were successfully recognized as »largest virtually performing music ensemble«, said RID record adjudicator Olaf Kuchenbecker.

As an active bass player himself, Kuchenbecker accompanied the record attempt of the digital music ensemble. Now he will present the RID Record Certificate virtually in an online video to the participating musicians, which will officially effect the entry into the RID Record Vault.

»Participants klick here to download a certificate copy (English text) awarded in the vid on 9 May 2020. »Klick here to download a certificate copy with German text.

Additionally, we offer printed and optionally framed certificates with your name.
Please order your copy with German text (pictured above right) oder English text (pictured above left):

The following variants are available to choose from:

1. RID Record Certificate with individual printed text,
30 cm x 40 cm, 350 grams paper, four-color print
blue frame, HAMA brand
different packaging & shipment depending on destination country
Up to 3 framed certificates can be send in one package

2a. Digital RID Record Certificate (pdf) with individual printed Text,
For print at home in original format of 30 cm x 40 cm @300 dpi

2b. Digital RID Record Certificate (jpg) with individual printed Text and animated frame
for web + social media, 1.310 x 1.000 Pixel

3. Digital Record Certificate Bundle
Both digital record certificates as package

4. All-In Record Certificate Bundle
Printed and framed record certificate plus both digital record certificates in a bundle
plus fee for packaging & delivery to destination country

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